Restore Your Recaro Seats
Aardvarc has been rebuilding and recovering Recaro and stock 2002 seats for over 25 years. You can send us your seats to rebuild and recover or you can buy from our collection of used seats and have us rebuild the seats.
Choose from the options below.
Send or deliver seats in person.
Choose your desired materials.
We disassemble the seats, repair and “Recaro twist” by welding the seat structure, as necessary.*
Paint the seat pan and thigh support handle as needed.
Revive, build up, and/or replace foam as necessary.
Sew new covers to your chosen design specifications
Fit the covers.
Lubricate hinge mechanisms and verify the seat back release action functions as it should (repair cables if necessary).
Clean used plastic knobs and/or install new plastics (extra fee) as necessary.
Fit Recaro adapters if ordered.
Prepare the seats for pickup of shipment.
Restoration Options
Select A Material
Looking For
More Seats?
Check out our Recaro Seat selection, we have a wide assortment of both rare and vintage seats available for sale.